• COMMODITY: POGGI 8812 PACKAGE MATERIAL: POLYETHYLENE. ENGLISH: Cabbage, Rads, gum), Red pepper Powder, Garlic, Leek, Korean Ieek, Sait, Onion, Kêìo base sauce (Sorbitol, Kelp extract Fermented anchovy sauce (anchovy, salt), Fermentedghupgg(ih.glikl-acto bacillus FR21CH: zs, L'amidon (Le riz, la gomme de guar), Poivre rouge Piquent, Ail, Poireau, Coréen poireau, Sel, Oignon, varech (Sorbitol, Kelp Extract, Fructose), Fermentés sauce aux anchois (anchois, sel), Fermentés sauce aux sel), L'amidon, bacille GERMAN: WeiBk0hI, Rettich, starch (Rice, Knobloch, Lauch, Korean Lauch, Salz, Zwiebel, Kelp Basis Sauce (Sorbit, Kelp Extrakt, Fructose), Fermenteften Sauce (Sardellen, Salz), Fermentierte Garnelen Sauce (Garnelen, Salz), Lacto bazillus Allergens: For Alleses in bold and underlined , MANUFACTURE) BY DAESANG FNF CORP. 1400, Seckgang-Ri, COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: SOUTH KOREA/ Produit sud PAR: - SODO CORP. (Tel:l-323-888-0802)