White beans 37%, dock drumsticks confit 21%, Toulouse (pork salt, pepper, natural pork (asing) stock (water, pork bones and pork rjndt tomato concentrate, Salt) water, duck fat, flavourings (of whi(h milk)l salt, tomato concentrate, garliÇ nutmeg, cloyej herbs of Provence, tlavouring of peppert garficpulp (garliÇ - salti acidityregulatot : E330), natural favouring$ dextrose, spics extract May containtracesofcelery,soyatglutenandegg? froielfrrgy603kJ[144 Sel ISt 1821 A de préférence avant la dateindiquée sur le couverclel Best (id, et dans les 24 heures IAfter opening store in atefrtgerator within 24 hours. SERVICE CONSOMMATEURS/CUSTOMERSERVI(E: JEAN IARNAUDIE DE - 46100 FIGEAC 3 113010 129658