
3263850000669  | EN in English

Duo De Courgettes Cuisinées

code-barre Code-barre: 3263850000669
Données au: 25/04/2020
Sources: Open Food Facts
Poids: 900 g
Nutri-score: indéterminé
Score nutritionnel sur 100
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments positifs
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments négatifs
Tableau nutritionnel pour 100 g
Élément Quantité Impact Score
Énergie (kcal) 47 - A
Matières grasses 3,40  
     dont saturés 1,80 - C
     hors saturés 1,60 + D
Glucides 0,00  
     dont sucres 0,00 - A
     hors sucres 0,00 + D
Fibres 3,80 + A
Protéines 2,10 + D
Sel 0,62 - C
Green and yellow courgettes 94% - butter 3.6% - extra virgin olive oil 0.9% - salt - basil 0.6% - garlic - herb - spice. Traces of cereals, containing gluten, celery, mustard, soya and their derivatives. The information in bold are for people With allergies or intolerant. Preparation tips (To be prepared directly from frozen) ln a frying pan for 1/2 a bag: Place the frozen cooked green and yellow çourgettes in the pan. Re-heat over a medium heat for 6 minutes stirring occasionally. Storage: *ln the refrigerator: 24 hours. the freezer compartment of the refrigerator: 3 days. the freezer at - 180C: until the best before date given on the packaging? DO NOT REFREEZE ONCE DEFROSTED Best before end / Batch number: see below.