
3263851063519  | EN in English

Mouline au champignons

code-barre Code-barre: 3263851063519
Données au: 05/08/2020
Sources: Open Food Facts
Poids ou Contenance: indéterminé
nutri-score E
Score nutritionnel sur 100
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments positifs
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments négatifs
Tableau nutritionnel pour 100
Élément Quantité Impact Score
Énergie (kcal) 63 - A
Matières grasses 4,80  
     dont saturés 2,80 - C
     hors saturés 2,00 + C
Glucides 3,00  
     dont sucres 0,30 - A
     hors sucres 2,70 + C
Fibres 0,00 + B
Protéines 1,60 + D
Sel 0,73 - C
mushrooms 35.5% - water - ve;etabl? 17% (courgettes 15.4% - onions) - crème fraiche butter ? mushroom powder 1.7% - maize starch chicken fat - natural flavouring (contains milk) salt - Sugar - black pepper - white pepper - corian - der - green peppercorns - red peppercorns. Information in bold is for people With food aller - gies or intolerances. Instructions for use: shake well before opening. ln a pan: pour the soup. Do not add water. Heat gently. Do not bring to the boil and Stir occasio - nally. For microwave cooking: use an appropriate re - ceptacle. Storage: After opening, keep in fridge and con - sume within 48 hours. use by: see bottom of packet.