ABLE Dried Recife Suggestion Serves 4 With eyed beaw Cooking tme: 2 S Hob uvejieats: Eyed peepond as pao obve O '1; 2 (loves crushed 2 q$een de-seeded ars/ (boppeq[ 4549 eut tnto 2cm cube" 2 40ûg tomatoes; 2 ted peppers. desee4e cut into 2cm di(eu c$opped Method: t, Heat h'}f the a iat;e ftytng pan and cook the ooe0fiS prttc gentiy for 5 minutes Remove the pan keep to one side. 2. Heat th' 041 in the pan and fry the :ntii atl Return Lhe onion mix to thepan tt•.e canned tomatoes gring to the boil, cover and allow to simmet gently for boots 4. Stir in the black eyed beans •od dicedted pepper Cover and continue to for a further 30 minutes untlì the met is ten+t S, Stir in the coriandet and serve *ith rice tortilla wraps and cheese • Store in a cool dry place • Once opprted resea! using fre tab • Best before end: see Side ofpd, ' 500ge O È 5 05139911223469 •p;oduce of the USA. packed in the U.K. for Tesco Stores Ltdq Cheshunt 9SL, Tesco 2007. SC0770