Whey Prctein Ccncentrate 130%) IWhey Prctein Concentrate [Milkl, Emulsifie B SunflœŒr Lectthin)) Micellar Casein (20%) (Milk), Ultrafine Oat flwr (31%)Baking Powde Acents p phcsohêtes, SCdiUn Carbonates), Wheat Fbur (fortified With Cabiums Imi Egg White Pcwder 15%), Inulin Blend 15%) (Chiccry Inulin, Gluccse, Fructcs Flavcuring ICccca Pcwder, Natural Flavcuring, Sweetener (Stevicl Clyccsides) al ergens including cereals ccntaining gluten, see ingredients highlighted in bol a ste which handies nuts and peanuts SUGGESTEO USE' Add 50g cf pcwdertc yc Add 70nl water cr milk tc the pcwder and mix tc a paste, Mtcrcwave cn 800 wat - 50 seconds, until the cake rises Leave tc stand for 30 seconds, eat and en] Store in a cccl, dry place cut cf direct sunlight. This product is intended and actue llfestyle and a balanced diet Suitable for vegetarians, -cncentrat de Prcté ne de Whey (30%) (Ccncentrat de Protéine (lécthine de Sola de