starches (peas, corn), sunflower oil, curry powder was 12,3% (turmeric, coriander, mustard, garlic, cayenne pepper, black pepper, caraway, fenugreek, celery, cumin, paprika, ginger, cardamom, bay leaf, lovage, and dill), iodized salt, sugar, glucose syrup, milk proteins, yeast extract, onions, and 1,3%, chive 0,5%, paprika red, flavoring, may also contain gluten, egg, soy, and ,lt,1% 2% ,lt,1% - good food, good life and ,lt,1% 11% d0kj has/ it's good to know you can adjust your serving size of nestle, ll朴し adults and children is 2 scoops of the sauce (50ml) 1 spoonful of sauce (25ml request, m map of the netherlands po box 134, 1180 ac amstelveen, nestle's,nl, 020 56 99 699 sauspoeder out of stock until the end of the content