
3041091146625  | FR en Français

Mon 1er boudoir

code-barre Barcode: 3041091146625
Data as of: 17/07/2019
Sources: Open Food Facts
Weight or Volume: undefined
Nutri-score: undefined
Nutritional score on 100
Nutritional analysis : good elements
Nutritional analysis : bad elements
Nutrition facts table per 100
Element Amount Impact Score
Energy (kcal) 460 - E
Fat 14,70  
     of which saturates 1,60 - C
     excluding saturates 13,10 + B
Carbohydrate 76,50  
     of which sugars 33,30 - E
     excluding sugars 43,20 + A
Fibre 1,00 + B
Protein 5,00 + C
Salt 0,08 - B
Sucre - Farine de blé (gluten) 27 % - Amidon de blé (gluten) - œufs 19 % - Huile de colza - Arôme naturel - Poudres à lever (carbonates d'ammonium, tartrates de potassium) - Vitamine BI. Traces de Soja, Lait, Fruits à coque et graines de Sésame.