100% pure beef. Percentage of fat content under 20%. Collagen/meat protein ratio under 15%. PREPARATION : Cook from frozen. Pre-heat a frying pan With a small quantity of fat and cook the steak on a medium light for 5 min.30 on either side, turning regularly. Cook thoroughly before eating. Eat immediately after cooking. Several months in the freezer at - 18 0 C until the best before date. STORAGE CONDITIONS : *** NEVER REFREEZE A PRODUCT AFTER THAWING. Product frozen on / batch NO: / Best before date : see the side of the packaging. @10 hamburguesa congelada pura vacuno INGREDIENTES : 100% carne de vacuno. Porcentaje de grasa inferior a 20%. Relacién colâgeno/proteinas de carne inferior a 15%. PREPARACION : Cocinar sin descongelar. En una sartén precalentada con un poco de materia grasa, cocine a fuego medio durante 5 min.30 por cara la hamburguesa , dândole la vuelta con regularidad. N?jmoletamente antes de su consumo. Comer inmediatamente después de cocinar.