instant crcam of as f,crved (zrcatfz%t fire,t): \//afzr, (6z) (carrot - lecla oniorj, pt), s/rup, maize starch, oie (pa]rn, surjficuer), croutonea (l, sz) (wheat flour (vit±j added calciurn, iron, taiacin, thiarnin), palm oil, salg yrzt" arjtüozidant (pœerrz/ extracti)), potatr• starch, 3,plît pea flour, sals flavourirç (conthn fast/), parlig/, milk prouin, potr:,iurn chioride, otract (contint bariey), (mono - and dizf/ceridrs', of k-idi), suer, turrneriç black pepper allerff advice: for cercal'• corüin:ng in bold ma,how many,/