Skimmed MICR VShey Proton Isolate (MilK)), Mx}tedextnm (Yeast Extract- Flavoutng, Sait, Segar, Potato Statth Catamelàseà ù)ien Beef Extract Ë0\.der, B}aek Pepper VegetàSùS Oncn. Cartott Gxtic), Tomato: Rapeseed Oil, Bay Leaf. Red Asppef ùegano Salt, Ribbed Parsiey. Grotrtd Sasil)s (Xanthan Gum) AILERGENS' For altergens, sec ingredierts May aso contan egg. SUGGESTED USE: Empty sachet (SOg) Nid of bei\ing water (the less *ater the the haf of the b0iitng water Stir thcn add the Other of the a secoxìs WUmng: be HOT IMPORTANT {n a dty from trett sunbgrt,