Go on the Play Store and download Barcode Scanner of ZXing Team (or equivalent barcode scanner with customizable url redirection)
Open the app and click at the top right corner on the 3 small squares to display the menu
Select "Paramètres" (Settings)
Scroll down parameters untill you find "URL de recherche personnalisée" (custom search URL) and click it
Type in the following address : https://www.food-value.com/en/cb-%s then validate (%s represents the barcode so this may differ with another application)
Go back (back button) to the main screen and scan the foodstuff barcode then click on "Recherche personnalisée de produit" (custom search)
It's done, you are redirected to the Food Value product analysis ! All you have to do from now is scan foodstuff and click on custom search (Recherche personnalisée) at the bottom right, now that the app is set...