
3263850000577  | EN in English

Leader Price

code-barre Code-barre: 3263850000577
Données au: 25/04/2020
Sources: Open Food Facts
Poids ou Contenance: indéterminé
Nutri-score: indéterminé
Score nutritionnel sur 100
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments positifs
Analyse nutritionnelle : éléments négatifs
Tableau nutritionnel pour 100
Élément Quantité Impact Score
Énergie (kcal) 81 - B
Matières grasses 5,10  
     dont saturés 1,00 - C
     hors saturés 4,10 + C
Glucides 3,70  
     dont sucres 2,00 - B
     hors sucres 1,70 + D
Fibres 2,80 + A
Protéines 3,70 + D
Sel 0,64 - C
Cooked mix at.,d broCCOti based product prefried and fro !ngredients caulif70wer - bmccoli 32% - sunflower oil • Whole powder . modified corn sarch - whole egg powder - egg whitepoper sait - chicken stock (sale - flavourings (gluten, celery) . h and meat - saxh and poato maltodextrin - thickener:gum ara*) $kkners: xanthan gum, guar gum - dextrose - natural flavouring ofpepee. rutmeg. Traccs of musard and soya. The information in bold are for people With allergies or into(etant• Preparation tips (to be prepared directly from frozen): ln a frying pan: place pancakes in a very hot frying pn a amount of olive oil. Fry unta go.tden brown for 6 minutes,turning them over regularly. oven: preheat the oven to 2200C (thermostat 7 or 8). on a greased baki,ig tray and cook for 10 minutes untilg0Vi compaftment of the refrigerator:3 days• on at 180C: uncil the best before date ven Bea