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2 022 food products from Tesco brand

Product name Nutritional score
Salt & Chilli Chicken Wings 54
Salt & Vinegar Rice Cakes 62
Salt & Vinegar Rice Cakes 61
Salted caramel 57
Salted Popcorn 66
Salty Pretzels solone 39
Sandwich cheese and onion 59
Sandwich Pickle 48
Sandwich poulet mangue Tesco 65
Sandwich saumon/concombre 77
Sardines in Brine 70
Sauce cesar 62
Saumon tesco 59
Sausage, Bacon & Egg Triple Sandwich 65
Sausage, bacon and egg triple 65
Sausages cumberland 454G 78
Savoy Cabbage 84
Scotch pancakes 70
Scottish Kipper Fillets 58
Scottish Rough Oatcakes 61
Scottish Salmon Fillets 78
Seafood sticks 46
Seeded and spiced porridge 74
Seedless raisins (12 boxes) 70
Semi skimmed free range milk 70
Semi- Skimmed Milk 1.136Ltr / 2 Pints 70
Semi-skimmed milk 70
Semi-skimmed UHT milk 70
Sendvič z pšeničného toustového chleba s tuňákem, vařeným vejcem, majonézou, ledovým salátem a jarní cibulkou 79
Shiitake mushrooms 91
Silverskin Onions 70
Simple mixed leaf salad 88
Simple mixed leaf salad 88
Singapore Style Rice Noodles 85
Skimmed milk 75
Skimmed Milk 71
Skimmed milk 71
Skimmed milk 72
Skimmed milk 73
Skimmed milk 71
Skinless & boneless red salmon 73
Skinless and boneless fish pie mix 82
Skyr strawberry 70
Sliced Carrots 84
Sliced carrots in water 80
Sliced Chicken 75
Sliced Gherkins 83
Sliced Green Beans 80
Sliced mixed peppers 77
Sliced Mushrooms 88