
marques >> K >> produits Kashi >> page 1  | EN in English

Les 71 produits alimentaires de la marque Kashi

Désignation du produit Score nutritionnel
Barre aux noix 54
Barre de cereales entieres 69
Barre de noix joi 56
Barre energetique 57
Barre énergétique aux noix 62
Barres chocolat et beurre d'arachide 41
Barres Granola, 175 G, Cerise Et Chocolat Noir 69
Berry 55
Berry bliss quinoa 65
Biscuits biologiques Moisson à la cannelle 71
Cereal 62
Céréales Go Lean 77
Céréales Go Lean Crunch 84
Cherry Dark Chocolate 62
Chewy nut butter bars 63
Chia Granola Bar Dark Chocolate Almond & Sea salt 42
Chocolate Crisp 51
Chocolate super food bites soft baked snacks 43
Chocolate super loops 55
Cocoa Spice Cereal 82
Délice biologique aux bleuets 72
Francois kashi 50
Go lean 60
Go Lean Cereals 81
GoLean Crisp! 71
GoLean Crunch Honey, Almond, Flax 72
GOLEAN Original Cereal 76
Grain free coconut almond 41
Honey Almond Flax 64
Indigo Morning Cereal 64
Kashi 54
Kashi 64
Kashi Almond & Sea Salt Granola Bar 56
Kashi Barres chocolat noir et noix de coco 60
Kashi chewy bars chewy peanut butter gran 7.4oz 74
Kashi chewy bars chocolate almond sea salt 7.4oz 67
Kashi Chewy Bars Cinnamon 1.23oz 53
Kashi Chewy Bars Dark Mocha Almond 1.2oz 58
Kashi Chewy Bars Peanut Peanut Butter 1.2oz 63
Kashi Chewy Bars Salted Caramel Pecan 1.23oz 51
Kashi Chewy Bars Sea Salt 1.23oz 43
Kashi Chewy Bars Toasted Coconut 1.23oz 46
Kashi Chocolate Almond Sea Salt with Chia Chewy Granola Bar 61
Kashi Dark Mocha Almond Chewy Granola Bars - 6 CT 81
Kashi Go Lean Crunch! Cereal Honey Almond Flax 67
Kashi Go Lean Toasted Berry Crisp 67
Kashi Golean Cereal Cinnamon 14oz 73
Kashi Heart To Heart Cereal Honey Toasted Oat 12oz 70
Kashi joi 56
Kashi Joi cranberry coconut almond 59