
marques >> T >> produits Tesco >> page 20  | EN in English

Les 2 022 produits alimentaires de la marque Tesco

Désignation du produit Score nutritionnel
Potato croquettes 76
Potato Gnocchi 91
Potato lattices 79
Potato Waffles 88
Prawn and mayonnaise 85
Prawn crackers 38
Prawn layered salasld 78
Prawn linguine 83
Prime cut beef 82
Prime cuts cooked ham 68
Prime cuts water thin honey roast ham 63
Prosciutto platter 55
Proteine fromage frais 80
Protéines de soja 81
Prune juice 77
Pumpkin seed and almond bars 80
Pumpkin Seeds 68
Pure Orange Juice 74
Płatki owsiane górskie 84
Radish 83
Raisin Munch Bars 48
Raisin wheats 77
Raisins secs 61
Ramiro peppers 83
Raspberry & cranberry juice drink 84
Raspberry Cheesecake 47
Raspberry flavour delight 61
Raspberry Trifles 60
Rasperries 76
Ravioli 85
Ravioli tomates sechees et burrata 70
Raw Peeled King Prawns 72
Ready rolled pizza dough 70
Red & White Quinoa with Bulgur Wheat 81
Red Kidney Beans in chilli sauce 72
Red kidney beans in chilli sauce 77
Red kidney beans in water 97
Red Kidney Beans in water 97
Red leicester 36
Red Leicester 35
Red Leicester 35
Red Leicester 35
Red onions 64
Red onions 82
Red pesto 50
Red salmon 74
Red split lentils 83
Red Wine Vinegar 83
Redmere farms carrots 56
Reduced Fat French Dressing 59